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Vantec Iceberq 4 Pro Review  

With a pair of long nosed pliers pull the plastic tab on the 2pin fan header, be careful not to damage any other components when pulling the tab.

Notice the orientation of the wire connector (- +) the yellow wire used for monitoring will not be since there are only 2pins used for powering the fan. 

Here's a shot of the cooler installed. Sure looks better than the stock cooler and the  included copper ramsinks is an added bonus. Perfectly matching the black PCB of my video card.
Final shots inside my case, this cooler would appeal most to casemodders and overclockers alike, the copper construction of the cooler paired with cool blue leds and copper ramsinks would sure look good in any modded case with a window. The performance of this cooler is above par with some of the best video card cooler out in the market. Once again Vantec has done a great job with the Iceberq 4 pro, providing a cool looking and great performing  solution for your video card cooling needs. 

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